Monday, May 19, 2008

five year plan

it just took one dream to take away a fear that has been holding me down for days or weeks or months - well for quite awhile. i have just been really down about what to "do" next.

i achieved all the freakin' goals i set for myself when i was "little" (insert short joke as you will). anyhow, i really did... i finished high school, i finished college, i got a good job, i freed myself financially from my dad, i lived by myself in a new city, i successfully found another good job, i fell in love with my best friend, i adopted an animal from a rescue society, i built a house (how i wanted it), i started a garden and planted trees in my own yard, i bought a new car (all by myself and didn't get "taken" by any car salesmen - in fact i paid below msrp!!), i drew disney cartoons with a disney artist (and got complimented on my talent!)... these may seem so silly or insignificant or whatever - but these were parts and pieces of the goals i have set for myself during my life, so far. but i got stuck - i feel like i've been spinning my wheels, without the benefit of having a smokin' "burnout".

well - i'm back.

i have a "five year plan"... or something. and i'm not afraid. nothing has to happen overnight, but there's no need to procrastinate either. i don't think i'm ready to spell out the plan... but on top of the plan i also want to write a book - i've always thought i would write a book. maybe that's why i started this blog - to get the words flowing... i'm not sure if the words are flowing freely yet, but the creativity is definitely coming back or coming out or boiling up!!!!!!! and it makes me excited.

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